Music for Evolution 💫 ✦ Learn about our state-training courses 🎧 : ✦ 🌎 24/7 Global Unity Meditation: 💬 Connect on Telegram :: 🦋 Our new YouTube ChillHop project: 🔮 LEARN [More]
Golden Light, Merkaba, The GOLDEN Light Healing Meditation, Immersive Experience. Your Golden Merkaba is your multi-dimensional energy system and archive of Light containing your unique God code and master divine plan. Once brought out of [More]
Activating Merkaba Meditation Music To Cleanse The Chakras And Enable Kundalini Energy To Rise! Merkaba meditation is an incredible energy process that helps you realize your fullest capabilities. The name ‘Merkaba’ might sound alien, but [More]
Merkaba Meditation – Drunvalo Melchizedek
Técnicas de respiração A palavra Mer-Ka-Ba é composta de três sílabas correspondentes a três palavras: Mer, Ka, Ba . Estas palavras vêm do antigo Egito. Existem várias formas de pronúncia da palavra Mer-Ka-Ba como Mer-Ka-Bah [More]
This is the complete guided Merkaba meditation, the original version as was taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Please subscribe and like this video if you enjoyed this. It really helps to grow my channel. The Merkaba [More]
Dear Friends, please enjoy the English version of full Merkabah Meditation following Drunvalo Melchizedek’s instructions for activation of the Light Body. To understand more watch also this: The film was made by Nelumbo Institute [More]